Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The beginning of bloggery...

Talking about yourself in an endless stream of blogs seems like a fairly indulgent and arrogant thing to be doing. After all, who the heck wants to read my random ruminations when they've got a head full of their own?!

So my intention is to keep this blog constructive - or, at the very least, funny and entertaining. Much of what I've written professionally over the years has been about human dynamics, relationships, personal empowerment... fairly serious stuff. But it doesn't need to be. These days, I'm all for making fun and laughter an integral part of everything I do - my work, my connections with people, my marriage, even my meditations. I think we tend to take ourselves too seriously, and the more we can see the humour in what we do and the ways we tend to limit ourselves in our minds, the more we tend to find simple, heartfelt, rewarding ways of doing things. And the more we lighten our hearts, the more we can connect with others in meaningful ways - and start to let good things in.

Practise laughing. Lots. At everything, just to see what happens. When your boss tells you he won't be giving you that raise, laugh like you've never laughed before. Laugh till the tears roll down your cheeks and you can't even speak. You won't need to. The laughter will be enough. And if someone gives you a fender-bender, get out of your car and laugh. Slap the guy on the back and tell him you look forward to bumping into him again sometime soon.

Everyone will think you're nuts. But if you consider what goes on inside your head most days, you'll realize that you ARE. And the nuttiest thing of all is not allowing ourselves to be outrageously, spontaneously ourselves. True sanity and balance come from allowing ourselves to be authentic and emotionally free - whatever that looks like.

But you'll need to practise self-acceptance, too. With so much laughing, you're going to develop laugh lines (aka crow's feet) and you'll need all the self-acceptance you can muster to live with those.

So if something seems daunting or serious to you, or if you find yourself agonizing over some tough decision, remember to laugh. And let me know what happens!

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