Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage."

It's that time of year again when everyone tries to turn over a new leaf or identify some positive commitments for the New Year. Been there, done that and bought a whole closet full of T-shirts. But I've realized that it's not the intention that counts or even the thoughts we have that make a difference. It's what we DO that matters. While what we say or think may send out one message, our actions can demonstrate something else altogether. There's no point in thinking positively if we're taking actions that demonstrate low self-worth or a lack of self-acceptance.

Thinking doesn't change us; action does. We can spend a lifetime trying to convince others that we are worthy or trying to get approval for who we are or want to be, but it's ourselves that we need to convince. We need to demonstrate to ourselves, through our actions, that we believe ourselves to be powerful, lovable and worthy. When we say or do things that demonstrate strong self-worth (even if we don't FEEL worthy), we start to attract positive, fulfilling opportunities and people into our lives. If, on the other hand, we think positively and keep affirming to ourselves that we're successful, loved and worthy, yet we're taking actions that negate these thoughts, we're wasting our time and our lives.

So make this a year of action. Decide what kinds of things you need to do or say in order to demonstrate strong self-worth and a belief in your ability to create the love, abundance, success, ease and fulfillment that you want. Walk the talk even if you don't think the thought. This will cancel out your negative thinking and change the negative programming that's prevented you from believing in yourself, and then everything around you will change.

That's the REAL secret.

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